
Restaurant Review

 During this winter vacation, I went to many kinds of reastruants. I'm going to introduce one of them in my food Review. The name of the restaurant isポムの樹(pomme's tree). The restaurant mainly serves Omlette rice.

It is in the middle of Shibuya thus it is quite easy to find.

Inside the restaurant, there are a lot of young people. Therefore, it was a little bit noisy...  But the restruant was not too big or small. Just the right size. And the light wasn't too bright or dark. Just the right tone.


What I like about this restaurant is that there are about 30 kinds of recipe! It was diificult to choose when your are hungry though.


 The price is quite reasonable. It is different depend on size. There are four size.SS S M and L. The smallest size SS is around 950 yen. S is around 1100yen. M is about 1200 yen. The largest size, L is about 1400yen.

 I ordered S size but I it was a little bit big for me. I can't imagine how big L size is but it must be really heavy, because when my friend ordered L size, the server kindly warned him that size L is quite big.

This is the one that I chose. Nice isn’t it?
As you can see Demi-glace sauce and cheese is on the top of omelette rice.
The omelette was fluffy because it was soft-boiled. 
And you might think that the rice in omelette is a typical Japanese steamed rice (白米)  However, it’s not. The rice is a special kind of rice. It is called”Chicken rice” in Japan. This rice is fried with Ketchup and chicken. This chicken rice gives a little sourness and matches omlette very much.

Next is dessert!

 It was just  a simple chocolate cake, but there was a little bitterness and that made a big difference.
The taste was rich so the size was perfect for me.


 The service was fine. The staff of this restaurant constantly poured water for us and they were polite. Howeve, I felt that they dropped plates way too much... That sound really got on my nerve.

Overall, I was satisfied with my meal and the price.  I would like to recommend it but I have a feeling that students in AGU already knew this restaurant. XD

 Just in case...




what's in the meat?

In this chapeter, I acknowledged that there are many cases of blood poisning in the beef especially beef.

 However, beef is not always the main sorce of food posning. A modern factory designed for the mass production of food had instead become a vector for the spread of a deadly disesase. So it is imortant for companies to clean the machine constantly.



Book Review Fast food nation

 Hi! Today I'm going to summarize what I read this week. I learned the process of makinf frenmchfries. Since it is a little complex and difficult to exlpain, I searched for a related movie calld "What are McDonald's USA fries made of?"

Here it is!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/el0EDgyO39w" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

After watching video, I was relived that French Fries was actually made out of Potatoes XD


 Hi! I'm going to talk about the article, "U.N. Says 2015 Likely to Be Warmest Year on Record".
 The reson I chose this one is because I have already read  "problems of feeding pets leftovers" in everyone's blog eventhough I haven't read the article yet. So I decided to choose this environmental problem since food and environment have strong relationshipe. In the future, we might suffer from food because of environmental problems and that is already happening.
  So the article said the period 2011 to 2015 had been the warmest five years on record, with many extreme weather events influenced by climate changes. Also, in parts of the U.S., drought condition cotinued and wildfires broke out. It warns us that unless we do something at once, it might cause irreparable situation.


Food for all

Food for all

What do they have in common?

They are similar in the way that they all help people who have no access to proper food.

What do their approach differ?

Second harvest collect food that were thrown away by companies because of the damage of package and so on.


How would you be able to volunteer for these organizations?

 I would like to share this website in SNS such as Facebook and Twitter so that more people will acknowledge those issues and to nail down this problem.


Which group seems to be most active?

 I think both groups are active. However, I personally prefer Second harvest because there are actually great deal of number of food that are thrown away by developed countries. Thus, the group helps countries which are suffering from food shortage and countries which don’t know how to deal with food that still can be eaten.


Hi! Today I'm goint to show how much score I got in the food quiz.

 My score was 16% and the average score was 70%.
 Obviously, I know nothing about food Orz

 But the quiz was interesting and some quetions really suprised me a lot !
For instance, the question "what is NOT technically berry" confuesed me alot and the answer was surprisingly "strawberry"!  

One more thing this quiz has taught me is, "love to eat " do not equal "know about food".


 Hi. I'm going to introduce the "interesting" movie which is related to my book,"the fast food nation". 

 WARNING This vido contains pictures that you want to keep your eyes off and it might give you the bad impression about Fast Food.  


 This video gives us the idea of how the food in fast food restruant (in this case McDonald) break down in our body. As you saw in the video, hamburgers turned into various "artistic" craft, nevertheless, French fries didn't even change it's colore.    

 So I tried to find the reason why the MacDonald's FrenchFries do not break down. This is what I found in the internet.

“If you try doing the same experiment with a homemade burger with similar moisture content as a McDonald’s hamburger and under similar conditions, you’ll probably get the same rresults.”

"This is due to several preservatives that are contained within their food. Several customers have documented leaving the food out for several months, and there were NO rotten smells or any other signs of decay - no insects even bothered to eat the food! Mold wouldn't grow on it either. But since the microbes can't decompose the food, then your body shouldn\'t be able to properly metabolize it either."
 As you can see, I couldn't find the exact answer of it and I feel that both video and the description made by MacDonald and unknown source are lack of evidence.

 Thankyou for watching :)