
 Hi. I'm going to introduce the "interesting" movie which is related to my book,"the fast food nation". 

 WARNING This vido contains pictures that you want to keep your eyes off and it might give you the bad impression about Fast Food.  


 This video gives us the idea of how the food in fast food restruant (in this case McDonald) break down in our body. As you saw in the video, hamburgers turned into various "artistic" craft, nevertheless, French fries didn't even change it's colore.    

 So I tried to find the reason why the MacDonald's FrenchFries do not break down. This is what I found in the internet.

“If you try doing the same experiment with a homemade burger with similar moisture content as a McDonald’s hamburger and under similar conditions, you’ll probably get the same rresults.”

"This is due to several preservatives that are contained within their food. Several customers have documented leaving the food out for several months, and there were NO rotten smells or any other signs of decay - no insects even bothered to eat the food! Mold wouldn't grow on it either. But since the microbes can't decompose the food, then your body shouldn\'t be able to properly metabolize it either."
 As you can see, I couldn't find the exact answer of it and I feel that both video and the description made by MacDonald and unknown source are lack of evidence.

 Thankyou for watching :)

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